Upcoming Events
Wichita Falls, Texas USA (6-7 Sept)
Retro South Expo
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Wichita Falls, Texas USA (6-7 Sept)
Boise, Idaho USA (28-29 June)
Anime ID
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Boise, Idaho USA (28-29 June)
(26-27 April)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
(26-27 April)
Chicago, Illinois USA (11-13 April)
Chicago, Illinois USA (11-13 April)
Buena Park, California USA (5 Dec)
Blizzard Entertainment's Holiday Party
Invited Cosplay Guest
Buena Park, California USA (5 Dec)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (28-29 Nov)
Comic Con Arabia (Postponed to New Date)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Cosplay Judge
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (28-29 Nov)
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA (12-14 July)
Tokyo, OK
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA (12-14 July)
Los Angeles, California USA (4-7 July)
Anime Expo
Invited Cosplay Senpai Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist
Los Angeles, California USA (4-7 July)
Houston, Texas USA (15-16 June)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Houston, Texas USA (15-16 June)
Pasadena, California USA (31 May-2 June)
Guest/ Vendor with Createx Color's Booth
Pasadena, California USA (31 May-2 June)
Anaheim, California USA (3-4 Nov)
Attendee- "Best in Show" in the Cosplay Contest
Anaheim, California USA (3-4 Nov)
Houston, Texas USA (10-13 Aug)
Anime Matsuri
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Houston, Texas USA (10-13 Aug)
Norman, Oklahoma USA (30 June- 2 July)
Soonercon 31
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Workshop Instructor/ Cosplay Judge
Norman, Oklahoma USA (30 June- 2 July)
Pasadena, California USA (2-4 June)
Guest/ Vendor with Createx Color's Booth
Pasadena, California USA (2-4 June)
Los Angeles, California USA (2-4 Dec)
L.A. Comic Con
Attendee- "Judges Award" in the Cosplay Contest
Los Angeles, California USA (2-4 Dec)
Online (21 Oct)
L.A. Comic Con Metaverse
"Best in Show" in the Cosplay Contest
Online (21 Oct)
Allen, Texas USA (7-9 Oct)
SukeBan Pop Con (Canceled due to losing venue)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor
Allen, Texas USA (7-9 Oct)
Houston, Texas USA (28-31 July)
Anime Matsuri
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Houston, Texas USA (28-31 July)
Chicago, Illinois USA (1-3 July)
Anime Midwest
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Chicago, Illinois USA (1-3 July)
Dallas, Texas USA (17-19 June)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Dallas, Texas USA (17-19 June)
Austin, Texas USA (31 Dec 2021- 2 Jan 2022)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Austin, Texas USA (31 Dec 2021- 2 Jan 2022)
Austin, Texas USA (31 Dec 2021- 2 Jan 2022)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Panelist/ Cosplay Judge
Austin, Texas USA (31 Dec 2021- 2 Jan 2022)
Orlando, Florida USA (17-19 Dec)
Holiday Matsuri
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Workshop Instructor
Orlando, Florida USA (17-19 Dec)
Newark, California USA (30 Oct)
Dreamscape 2021
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Cosplay Judge
Newark, California USA (30 Oct)
Dallas, Texas USA (17-19 Sept)
FAN EXPO Dallas (TNT Cosplay Supply Dropped Out Due to COVID)
Workshop Instructor for TNT Cosplay Supply
Dallas, Texas USA (17-19 Sept)
Online (20 Aug)
Cosplay Judge
Online (20 Aug)
Online (6 Aug)
Crunchyroll EXPO 2021
"Advanced Best Craftsmanship" in the Cosplay Contest
Online (6 Aug)
Houston, Texas USA (8-11 July)
Anime Matsuri
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Vendor/ Cosplay Judge
Houston, Texas USA (8-11 July)
Online (15 May)
Ultimate Online Cosplay Championship
Cosplay Judge
Online (15 May)
Online (20 Feb)
Cosplay Exhibition Participant
Online (20 Feb)
Online (14 Nov)
GlitchCon (TwitchCon)
"Finalist" in the Cosplay Contest
Online (14 Nov)
Online (3 June)
Ultimate Online Cosplay Championship
"Finalist" in the Cosplay Contest
Online (3 June)
Houston, Texas USA (9-12 July)
Anime Matsuri- (Cancelled Due to COVID)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Panelist/ Vendor
Houston, Texas USA (9-12 July)
Midland, Texas USA (13-15 March)
Permian Basin Comic Con X- (Cancelled Due to COVID)
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vendor
Midland, Texas USA (13-15 March)
San Antonio, Texas USA (17-19 Jan)
PAX South
San Antonio, Texas USA (17-19 Jan)
Wichita Falls, Texas USA (26-27 Oct)
Wichita Falls Comic Expo
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vendor
Wichita Falls, Texas USA (26-27 Oct)
San Diego, California USA (27-29 Sept)
TwitchCon 2019
Attendee- "Finalist" in the Cosplay Contest
San Diego, California USA (27-29 Sept)
Houston, Texas USA (13-16 Jun)
Anime Matsuri
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vendor
Houston, Texas USA (13-16 Jun)
Allen, Texas USA (27-28 April)
Overwatch League Dallas Homestand
Invited Cosplay Media Guest
Allen, Texas USA (27-28 April)
Midland, Texas USA (15-17 March)
Permian Basin Comic Con X
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vendor
Midland, Texas USA (15-17 March)
San Antonio, Texas USA (18-20 Jan)
PAX South
San Antonio, Texas USA (18-20 Jan)
Lafayette, Louisiana (6-7 Oct)
Louisiana Comic Con
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vendor
Lafayette, Louisiana (6-7 Oct)
Irving, Texas USA (22-23 Sept)
OP Live Dallas
Invited Cosplay Guest
Irving, Texas USA (22-23 Sept)
San Antonio, Texas USA (31 Aug-2 Sept)
San Japan
San Antonio, Texas USA (31 Aug-2 Sept)
Fort Worth, Texas USA (7-10 Jun)
A-Kon 29
Fort Worth, Texas USA (7-10 Jun)
Longview, Texas USA (2-3 Jun)
Longview Comic Con
Invited Cosplay Guest/ Cosplay Judge/ Panelist/ Vender
Longview, Texas USA (2-3 Jun)
Houston, Texas USA (30 Mar-1 Apr)
Anime Matsuri
Houston, Texas USA (30 Mar-1 Apr)
San Antonio, Texas USA (12-14 Jan)
PAX South
San Antonio, Texas USA (12-14 Jan)
Austin, Texas USA (30-31 Dec)
Ikkicon 12
Attendee- "Best Craftsmanship" in the Cosplay Contest
Austin, Texas USA (30-31 Dec)
San Antonio, Texas USA (2 Sept)
San Japan
San Antonio, Texas USA (2 Sept)
Fort Worth, Texas USA (8-11 Jun)
A-Kon 28
Attendee- "Best in Show" in the Cosplay Contest
Fort Worth, Texas USA (8-11 Jun)
San Antonio, Texas USA (28-29 Jan)
PAX South
San Antonio, Texas USA (28-29 Jan)